Saturday, March 31, 2012

Our Saturday Together

Easter egg hunting in the water; fun to watch. 

Today, we went to the local pool where Keira joined the other kids in an Easter egg hunt in the water! What fun and chaotic it was as the kids swam around hunting for plastic eggs. Keira and her friend, Konne were in the same age group, but they divided the boys from the girls, to make it less crowded. You can see some pictures from the park and Keira's outing to the pool under the 'pictures' link.

Afterwards, we went to the park and played around for awhile. We also looked for a new home to rent, but not finding just the right place for us.( By the way, I have Alex's and Konne's mother permission to post pictures. Thanks.)
 We are looking forward to this summer. For us, it's been a loooong winter! We're ready for the summer and the sun!!! Yay!
After the egg hunt, we had a delicious lunch at a Mexican restaurant. Now, we're just feelin' lazy. :)
Hope everyone has a great weekend and a safe one!

Thursday, March 22, 2012

Weather bad here today

The weather today in Tupelo, is rainy, wet, cool, and dark. We have this forecast for the next few days. I'm sitting by the phone, waiting for the school to call at anytime to release the kids. They have released before due to increment weather conditions. Our road that we live on, is know to flood, just at the bottom of it as well, so I hope it doesn't do that today. I also worry about Matt in that small car, but he just thinks I'm a silly girl for worrying. It's a good car, but I feel much safer in my big SUV, that I worry about him driving in bad weather in his small car. He's a good driver though, so I won't worry too much.
He has been working an extreme amount of overtime for quite awhile now. He has just received a promotion as well, and after he trains his replacement, it looks like he'll be heading to Kentucky for quite awhile, then after Kentucky, the lucky man may have the opportunity to go to Canada, yes, I'm jealous! Hahahaha. I'm really going to be jealous if he travels to Japan without me. :( But, at least he'll get to see those beautiful places, thanks Toyota! I just wanna go too!:)
I'm still busy writing novels. Right now, I'm working slowly, on a Sci Fi novel, but taking my time purposefully because I want it to be a good story, and done well. I feel like this will be my crowning story, if I take my time and do it well.
Keira has one month left of school and I think that she's ready for a break. She attends Carver Elementary in Tupelo, and seems to enjoy it. I have heard that the Tupelo schools are very bad schools, but most of the staff, not all, but some, seem nice there. She'll go there for one more school year, and then go to Longhorn, which I know nothing about, but intend on learning more if we still are in this particular school zone, which I hope we're not. I have heard that the Saltillo school area is an excellent area, so Matt and I want to eventually move to that area for the school zones for Keira, and for our permanent area of residence, we hope.
 We've been in Tupelo for nearly a year now, and I think I'm finally getting settled in. I do miss the sunny weather of Florida though, and the friendliness of the people there. Folks just aren't that friendly here, and some are kinda uppity and look down their noses at outsiders. lol But, Matt has made a very good impression at his work, and that IS a good thing:) Of course, you can't meet Matt and not like him, he is a dear and everyone likes him.  Keira is just like him too, she never meets a stranger, but me, lol I'm not uppity type, but I'm a non-social person, but working on it. :)
Well, until next time, stay safe and come visit us again. The Vandiver's.  


Hello, this is the personal blog for the Vandiver's, Keira, Matt, and Lisa, listed in order of importance.:)
My husband Matthew, works for Toyota, my daughter, Keira, is in Kindergarten, and I'm just a writer, and most importantly, a housewife. I do sell Avon on the side, but hasn't worked out well for me so far, but I'm sure things will turn around soon as I acquaint myself more with the product and the new city we're living in.
Tupelo, Miss. is where we're calling home since Matt received a job with Toyota. We were living in Florida, and I gotta say, I certainly miss Florida. Anyhow, we are getting settled in now, and things will work out for us. So, this is my first post, and I'll do my best to keep up with it. This blog is mainly for family and friends who want to keep updated with the happenings of our little family, but if you don't know us, and you stumble across the blog, feel free to check us out, and drop a line and say hello. Also, if you like books, I'm an author of two romance novels. I also am an author of two more blogs, if you like reading blogs for entertainment purposes, here they are: and
Until next time,